ENG: New Winx club game: ,,Magical Adventure'' [Nickelodeon production]
ENG: Hi fans! Nicklodeon have new Winx club game: ''Magic Adventure''... Do you saw it? Here's one photo of my score... I think it's not that bed for first playing... And what are you thinking?  Please tell me in comment.... 

SRB: Ćao fanovi! Nikelodeon ima novu Vinks klub igricu: ,,Magična Avantura''... Da li ste je videli? Evo jedne fotogrfije mojih poena... Mislim da nije tako loše za prvu igru... A šta vi mislite?  Molim vas recite mi u komentaru... 


5/16/2013 06:00:26 am

So nice photo... :)
I love it!!! ;)

5/16/2013 06:01:22 am

Thank you... I'm glad you like it... =-)

5/16/2013 06:02:21 am


5/16/2013 06:04:29 am

Beautiful! I think it's perfect score for first playing... :)
Go WinxStars, go! <3333

5/16/2013 06:05:54 am

TNX! <3 :]


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